No two denturists are the same. If you have been wearing dentures for a while, you know that no two sets of dentures are the same. Finding a quality, experienced denturist can seriously impact the comfort of your dentures. You do not have to deal with loose plates, gums that are rubbed raw, distorted speech, and the inability to eat your favorite foods. If you have any of these problems, there are a few things that you can try before replacing your dentures. Use what I have learned over my 15 years of wearing dentures to find a perfect fit and optimum comfort in your dentures.
Priscilla Hansen
One tooth replacement option that can work for those who need a small, partial bridge and who don't want an implant is the Maryland-bonded bridge. This is a fake tooth or series of teeth with metal flanges at each end; the flanges are cemented to the backs of the adjacent real teeth. This is quite different from the typical bridge in which an adjacent tooth is actually ground down, and the stub used as an anchor.
Choosing a Maryland bridge may be of benefit because of its less-intrusive application. It does have some disadvantages, but the advantages may outweigh those by a substantial amount for you.
No Tooth Grinding
As mentioned, there's no tooth grinding involved in a Maryland bridge, which is a bonus for the squeamish. No drill sounds, no really serious risks to the adjacent teeth, and no extra costs involved in the work needed to grind those teeth make this bridge less of a hassle to get.
No Implanting
There's no implanting associated with a Maryland bridge, either. Despite advances in implant technology, that procedure still requires quite a lot of work as well as a waiting period where you have the main implant but not the permanent crown, which can be uncomfortable for many.
Bone Deterioration Can Still Be An Issue
Note that bone deterioration, a condition that can prevent you from getting a regular implant, can still be a problem for the Maryland bridge. You can't have the adjacent teeth moving around; they need to be stable and set in good, strong bone. If you currently have bone deterioration or loss, you would not be able to get the bridge, or you might have to have the unstable teeth removed.
You will also have to be extra careful not to let bone deterioration start. Let's say you get a Maryland bridge and have no bone problems at the time; you'll have to brush and floss well and ensure you don't start grinding or clenching your teeth. That means managing stress well, too.
Straightforward Repair
Repair to the bridge is relatively straightforward; for example, if the bridge breaks, you replace it. However, that can be pricey because if you have to replace the whole bridge, you essentially have to be fitted for a new one.
Talk to your dentist about the various bridge and implant procedures available to you. The ease with which a Maryland bridge is added makes it an attractive option. Contact a dental office like Northwest Dental Services and Implant Center for more information and assistance.