finding comfort when wearing dentures
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finding comfort when wearing dentures

No two denturists are the same. If you have been wearing dentures for a while, you know that no two sets of dentures are the same. Finding a quality, experienced denturist can seriously impact the comfort of your dentures. You do not have to deal with loose plates, gums that are rubbed raw, distorted speech, and the inability to eat your favorite foods. If you have any of these problems, there are a few things that you can try before replacing your dentures. Use what I have learned over my 15 years of wearing dentures to find a perfect fit and optimum comfort in your dentures.

finding comfort when wearing dentures

Do You Have Single-Tooth Dental Implants? 3 Tips To Establish Good Habits for Your New Smile

Priscilla Hansen

After having severely decayed or broken teeth, getting implants is a major relief. While it is true that your newly restored teeth can last a lifetime, you should also be aware that you play a big part in making sure that they do. Often, the need for single-tooth implants arises after a period of years where you might not have taken the best care of your teeth. Perhaps you were busy working or just didn't realize how fast the damage could add up. No matter what happened, your new smile represents a second chance to do things right. Once you receive your dental implant treatment, you can use these three tips to start an oral hygiene routine that prevents them from failing.

Stock Up On Some Basic Supplies

For the most part, keeping implanted teeth clean is similar to caring for natural teeth. You will need to start by using a soft-bristled toothbrush to brush away surface debris from the implant, and you can do this while you clean the rest of your teeth. However, you will need to make sure to use a non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid damaging the implant's crown. 

You may also need to pick up some soft inter-dental brushes. These have a slim design that makes it easier to dislodge food that gets stuck between your implant and the adjacent teeth without causing damage. Your dentist may also recommend using an oral irrigator to flush out biofilm and tartar that collect around the base of the implant.

Pay Attention to Your Gum Line

Dental implants are placed by setting a post in your gums and into your jaw bone. This gives them stability that you cannot get with traditional dentures. However, one of the primary causes of implant failure is infections in the gums. Make sure to carefully brush around the gum line, and floss according to how your dentist shows you. Regular cleanings also help to remove any bacterial buildup that you can't clean off at home.

Get Your Technique Checked

Dentists prefer to see implants be successful, and you need to make sure that your technique is effective for keeping your teeth clean. During your followup visit, ask to have your oral hygiene techniques checked. Although it might feel a little funny flossing in front of someone else, your dental care provider sees people do it all the time and can recommend minor changes that help you perfect your tooth implant care plan.
