finding comfort when wearing dentures
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finding comfort when wearing dentures

No two denturists are the same. If you have been wearing dentures for a while, you know that no two sets of dentures are the same. Finding a quality, experienced denturist can seriously impact the comfort of your dentures. You do not have to deal with loose plates, gums that are rubbed raw, distorted speech, and the inability to eat your favorite foods. If you have any of these problems, there are a few things that you can try before replacing your dentures. Use what I have learned over my 15 years of wearing dentures to find a perfect fit and optimum comfort in your dentures.

finding comfort when wearing dentures

3 Oral Conditions That A Dentist Can Diagnose And Treat

Priscilla Hansen

Some dental problems are obvious. For instance, you can spot dental issues like cavities and tooth decay just by looking in the mirror. But some conditions are more difficult to diagnose, especially if you aren't aware of them.

With the help of a dentist, you can identify and treat the following oral conditions before they damage your teeth and gums.

1. Bruxism

Bruxism is bad for both your teeth and gums and occurs while you are sleeping. Sufferers of bruxism grind their teeth throughout the night as they sleep. And because you have no way of controlling how much pressure you exert while asleep, you gradually wear away the enamel of your teeth. A dentist can spot the signs of bruxism, such as worn teeth and a misaligned bite.

Bruxism generally occurs because of a misaligned bite, stress, or both. A dentist can help you understand why you grind your teeth and recommend orthodontic treatment or relaxation therapy. A dentist can also provide you with a night guard that you can wear when you sleep to protect your teeth.

2. Gingivitis

Gum disease or gingivitis affects the gums that support your teeth. Plaque, which is the sticky film that builds up on teeth, contains food debris and bacteria. This acidic combination irritates gum tissue, causing it to become red and swollen. Your gums may even bleed when you brush your teeth or eat certain foods.

A dentist can spot gingivitis early on and prevent it from progressing into periodontitis, the more serious form of gum disease. Once diagnosed, your dentist will clean plaque and tartar from your teeth and advise you on the best practices to clean and care for your teeth to avoid gum disease.

3. Sleep Apnea

If you snore often and sleep with your mouth open, you could suffer from sleep apnea. Many sufferers don't know that they have sleep apnea. But because sleep apnea sufferers sleep with their mouths open, their mouths dry out through the night, making it easier for oral bacteria to thrive. Oral bacteria cause cavities and tooth decay, so sleeping with your mouth open harms your teeth.

Fortunately, your dentist can create an oral appliance for you to help you stop snoring and to sleep with your mouth closed. As a result, your teeth will be healthier and you'll get a better night's sleep.

With just one dental examination, a dentist can diagnose these oral conditions. This is why it's important that you see your dentist at least once every six months for a dental examination. With your dentist's help, you can cure these conditions and protect your teeth in the process.
