finding comfort when wearing dentures
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finding comfort when wearing dentures

No two denturists are the same. If you have been wearing dentures for a while, you know that no two sets of dentures are the same. Finding a quality, experienced denturist can seriously impact the comfort of your dentures. You do not have to deal with loose plates, gums that are rubbed raw, distorted speech, and the inability to eat your favorite foods. If you have any of these problems, there are a few things that you can try before replacing your dentures. Use what I have learned over my 15 years of wearing dentures to find a perfect fit and optimum comfort in your dentures.

finding comfort when wearing dentures

4 Things That Patients With Braces Should Do

Priscilla Hansen

Orthodontists can help teenagers and adults straighten their teeth and correct bite problems. Braces are the most common type of orthodontic appliance used for this purpose. Metal braces are sturdy enough to correct even severe alignment issues, often within 18 months. As with all orthodontic treatment, patient compliance is extremely important when it comes to braces treatment. Patients with braces should do these four things:

1. Continue taking good care of your teeth.

Braces are designed to move your teeth over time. With the addition of headgear or a palate expander, braces can even alter the position of your jaw and the size of your palate. However, you will need to continue looking after your teeth while your orthodontic hardware does its job. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing between your braces will keep you from developing cavities. When caring for your teeth, you'll need to be careful and thorough in order to clean around your braces without damaging them.

2. Protect your lips and gums.

You'll need to protect your lips and gums while wearing braces, which can abrade the inside of your mouth. The metal of your braces brackets can irritate the sensitive lining of your lips and cheeks. You can mold dental wax over parts of your braces that cause discomfort. If you find multiple areas uncomfortable, you can use a silicone cover specifically made to fit over metal braces and protect your mouth. These accessories can make wearing braces significantly more comfortable.

3. Communicate with your orthodontist.

Your orthodontist has a plan for your braces treatment, but that doesn't mean you can't ask questions. If you're concerned about any part of your orthodontic treatment, you should broach the subject with your orthodontist as soon as you can. For instance, people who are experiencing unusual amounts of pain may want to ask about slowing down their treatment schedule. If anything feels strange or unusual with your braces, you should schedule a checkup so your dentist can examine your teeth and orthodontic hardware. Sometimes a damaged wire or bracket may need to be replaced.

4. Manage your post-appointment discomfort.

Braces must be tightened every few weeks to maintain the pressure needed to move your teeth. Many people feel discomfort after braces tightening sessions. Fortunately, there are many effective remedies you can use. You can relieve your pain by taking NSAIDs like ibuprofen. You can also chew on a bite wafer, a mouth-shaped piece of plastic designed to offer relief to people suffering from post-appointment discomfort.

To learn more about braces, contact a dentist or orthodontist near you.
